
Articles sur le thème de l’Open Data en Afrique et la transparence de l’aide internationale.

ODD et données de l’aide: la révolution en quête de révolutionnaires  (PDF – 312 Ko))
Article publié dans le numéro de septembre 2016 d’Afrique durable 2030 du groupe de réflexion genevois Africa 21
L’augmentation exponentielle des données produites autour de l’aide internationale suscite l’espoir d’une ‘révolution des données’ qui facilite l’atteinte des Objectifs de développement durable. L’auteur plaide pour que les efforts et investissements dans ce domaine, pour l’instant concentrés principalement autour d’initiatives techniques, prennent en compte l’urgente nécessité de former et accompagner ceux et celles qui doivent porter cette révolution en Afrique et ailleurs.


The Global Fund Should Take Transparency to Another Level, Aidspan, 18 avril 2013
Most organisations and people don’t take advantage of Global Fund transparency to trigger open and well-informed discussions on aid effectiveness, says Robert Bourgoing. The Global Fund should spearhead an effort to build local capacity to use Fund data. And it should declare war on gobbledygook.


The Global Fund and the fears of transparency, Aidspan, 4 mars 2014

Version française: Le Fonds mondial et les peurs de la transparence, Aidspan, 4 mars 2014


Disclosing Funding Data to the Media: Why Shoot Yourself in the Foot?, Transparify, 24 avril 2014
Guest blogger Robert Bourgoing argues that think tank managers should welcome greater scrutiny of their funding data by the media.


Watchdogs or critical friends?, Aidspan, 30 janvier 2014.
Robert Bourgoing narrates his experience facilitating a meeting in Nairobi with representatives of about 30 organizations from East and Southern Africa involved in the monitoring of global health programmes.

version française: Des ‘chiens de garde’ ou des amis qui vous veulent du bien ?  Aidspan, 30 janvier 2014


From having a voice to being heard: the case for professionalizing key population representatives, Aidspan, 27 mai 2015
In response to recent reports on the participation of key populations in CCMs, the authors call for a genuine effort to build the capacity of their representatives to fully engage in the governance of Global Fund grants. Giving them a voice, they argue, is only a first step. Training them in a formal and structured way as they make their first steps in the complexities of Global Fund is the necessary condition to achieve the vision of eliminating HIV, TB and malaria as public health threats by 2030. 

Version française: Faire entendre sa voix de manière pertinente : la question de la professionnalisation des représentants des populations clés, Aidspan, 27 mai 2015


Does Transparency = Accountability = Effectiveness? Not so sure…
Article sur la thèse de doctorat Aid without Accountability de Till Bruckner, Université de Bristol.


Web 2.0 in global health: the road to a culture of sharing
This article was commissioned for a World Health Organization Bulletin’s issue on Health Communication.
Abstract: Today’s online collaboration tools and techniques, often referred to as “Web 2.0”, combined with the rapid spread of the internet, the convergence of the web with mobile devices and the improvement of connection speeds in developing countries, offer unprecedented opportunities in health communications. While global organizations may find compelling reasons to promote the collaboration and sharing of experience among health experts, the decentralized logic of Web 2.0 is confronted with the traditional institutional approach to communications and the intellectual and social framework that comes with it. As the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s experience shows, the main challenges in harnessing the potential of online collaboration have much less to do with technological considerations than managing institutional change, spending enough resources on staff with the right set of specialized skills, and showing patience in achieving results.