Morocco’s open campaign against a secret epidemic starts with diagnosis

In a country of 30 million, how to find 20000 HIV+ gay men, sex workers and clients who live in hiding?

Dépistage du VIH : la stratégie du Maroc contre une épidémie cachée

Comment retrouver 20,000 personnes séropositives parmi 30 millions d'habitants?

The Global Fund Should Take Transparency to Another Level

Few take advantage of Fund transparency to trigger open discussions on aid effectiveness.

Syrie: L’avocat du diable

Mon apprentissage des limites de la liberté d'expression dans une ville-fantôme du Moyen-Orient.

Morocco’s quiet revolution over AIDS and human rights

A turning point in the recognition of the rights of people most at risk of being infected with HIV.

Web 2.0 in global health: the road to a culture of sharing

Today’s online collaboration tools and techniques, often referred to as “Web 2.0”, combined with the rapid spread of the internet, the convergence of the web with mobile devices and the improvement of connection speeds in developing countries, offer unprecedented opportunities in health communications. While global organizations may find compelling reasons to promote the collaboration and sharing of experience among health experts, the decentralized logic of Web 2.0 is confronted with the traditional institutional approach to communications and the intellectual and social framework that comes with it. As the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s experience shows, the main challenges in harnessing the potential of online collaboration have much less to do with technological considerations than managing institutional change, spending enough resources on staff with the right set of specialized skills, and showing patience in achieving results.

Sida et droits humains: la révolution tranquille du Maroc

Des milliers de Marocain(e)s qui vivent dans le secret et la peur ont maintenant leurs porte-voix officiels.

A nice entry

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The Global Fund and the fears of transparency

Why the Global Fund is losing ground on one of its founding commitments.

Le Fonds mondial et les peurs de la transparence

Obstacles de taille à la transparence de l'aide: la peur et la résistance au changement.