Embedding YouTube videos

The lake in 2019…

Embedding photos from other locations

The lake in September 2020…

Lake Haramaya, Harar, Ethiopia

Source: Ethiopia Observer – https://bit.ly/3nijVum


Embedding a photo from Instagram


Voir cette publication sur Instagram


Une publication partagée par Bete Amhara (@wollo.amhara)

Embedding a Flickr photo

Lake Haramaya

Embedding a Google Map (iFrame)


Embedding a Tweet

Embedding a map from the Global Surface Water Explorer


Producing a recent satellite photo with the EO Browser

Lake Haramaya - 6 March 2021

Lake Haramaya – 6 March 2021


Adding an animated GIF file (produced with images in Google Earth Pro and ezgif.com)

Lake Haramaya


Embedding a timelapse from Google Earth Engineearthengine.google.com/timelapse/ .


A short video created with Google Earth Pro (see further down a step by step tutorial to recreate it)

How to create video with Google Earth Pro (tutorial)


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