Press Review – Revue de presse : Info Wars – Guerres de l’Information

* The following selection of press articles, published since May 2017, covers the new ‘info wars’, computational propaganda made possible by the Internet, social media and image editing tools. 

* Les articles de presse suivants, publiés depuis mai 2017, traitent des nouvelles guerres de l’information, de la propagande d’état et de l’avenir de la désinformation par le biais d’Internet, des réseaux sociaux et des nouveaux outils de manipulation des images.


Two US writers linked to rise of fake news from Macedonia: report
Two American conservatives were involved in a fake news scheme run out of Macedonia before the 2016 presidential election, according to a new report. BuzzFeed News published the findings of a joint investigation on Wednesday revealing that two conservative writers in the U.S. – par Emily Birnbaum – Tags: fake news, info wars

The Secret Players Behind Macedonia’s Fake News Sites
Media outlets from around the world descended upon Veles to tell the story of how the so-called fake news teens — many of whom had a shaky understanding of English — made large sums of money from digital ads shown next to their misleading stories about US politics. – par Saska Cvetkovska – Tags: fake news, info wars

‘Fake News Horror Show’ Explores New Technology, Online Propaganda
BY MION EDWARDS | The NYC Media lab hosted the “Fake News Horror Show!” Thurs., June 7 at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering. – par Scott Stiffler – Tags: fake news, info wars

Distorting the truth: Russian hacking beyond the election
In July 2016, millions watched as Philando Castile took his final breaths after being shot by police. Within hours, a mysterious group began planning a protest. Black Lives Matter activists suspected a troll job — little did they know it was organized by a Russian government-linked group. – Tags: info wars

Information Disorder, Part 1: The Essential Glossary
Download a PDF of this glossary. An algorithm is a fixed series of steps that a computer performs in order to solve a problem or complete a task. – par First Draft – Tags: info wars

Information Disorder, Part 2: Mapping the Landscape
Over the past eighteen months, there has been a surge of interest in trust and truth in a digital age. There have been hundreds of conferences, reports and papers on the subject. – par First Draft – Tags: info wars

Information Disorder, Part 3: Useful Graphics
These high-resolution graphics were created to help explain information disorder. They are available for use in publications and presentations under a Creative Commons license. Click the description of each image to download it. Figure 1: 7 Categories of Information Disorder. – par First Draft – Tags: info wars

Des fake news à la désinformation
Les « social media » (ou médias sociaux, souvent improprement traduit en français par réseaux sociaux) semblaient promis à une percée irrésistible dans les sources d’information. Le dernier rapport de Reuters sur l’information numérique relativise cette hypothèse. – par Antoine Bevort – Tags: fake news, info wars, journalisme

La présidentielle à l’épreuve des «fake news»
Une importante étude des partages sur l’Internet français pendant notre campagne électorale a été menée ces derniers mois, à laquelle j’ai été associé comme consultant. – par Pierre Haski, Journaliste, cofondateur et collaborateur du site Rue89. Ancien directeur-adjoint de l, Pierre Haski Journaliste, cofondateur et collaborateur du site Rue89. Ancien directeur-adjoint de la – Tags: fake news, info wars, journalisme

Anatomy of a Russian ‘Troll Factory’ News Site
When browsing through stories on the newly-established media outlet, you may think that you are reading a procedural-generated site that exists entirely from search engine optimization tricks, stealing articles from more established outlets and reposting them as if they were original. – par Aric Toler – Tags: bots, fake news, info wars, russie

Russia’s Troll Factory Just Launched A New Website Targeting Americans
Three months after being indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice, the notorious Russian troll factory known as the Internet Research Agency (IRA) has launched a new media venture targeting Americans. – par Caroline O. – Tags: cambridge analytica, facebook, fake news, info wars

How the Media Helped Legitimize Extremism
For the past few years, reporting on far-right extremism and misinformation has been a messy free-for-all. Sure, there have been some attempts to delineate best practices, and certain approaches to storytelling, such as those that seem to normalize neo-Naziism, have come under harsh criticism. – par Miranda Katz – Tags: bots, fake news, fake news response, info wars, journalism

How information warfare in cyberspace threatens our freedom
This article is the fourth in a five-part series exploring Australian national security in the digital age. Read parts one, two and three here. Just as we’ve become used to the idea of cyber warfare, along come the attacks, via social media, on our polity. – par Roger Bradbury – Tags: bots, cambridge analytica, facebook, fake news, info wars, propagande

Fake news and critical literacy in the digital age: sharing responsibility and addressing challenges
How can we tackle the ongoing challenge of so-called ‘fake news’? , PhD Researcher in the Department of Media at Communications at LSE, argues that we all have a responsibility to learn critical literacy to help us better to evaluate information, both on- and offline, and here sets out the res – par Gianfranco Polizzi – Tags: fake news response, info wars, media literacy, mil

Comment la propagande russe a visé les Noirs américains sur Facebook
La publication, jeudi 10 mai, de l’intégralité de messages sponsorisés par l’Internet Research Agency russe sur Facebook démontre à quel point l’organisme a tenté de creuser la fracture raciale pendant la présidentielle américaine de 2016. Lutter contre le racisme… – Tags: fake news, info wars

Brave New Digital World: The Revelation — Full Version
“Brave New Digital World: The Revelation packs more common sense and clear insight into 45 minutes than the entire Silicon Valley — thoroughly inebriated on its own power and wealth — has produced in the past 30 years.” — M. CaroA 45-minute feature video from Digital Apostate Jeff Einstein – Tags: info wars

5 reasons why ‘fake news’ likely will get even worse
We are experiencing the early days of intentionally false or highly misleading online information. To be sure, President Trump’s false labeling of legitimate journalism as “fake news” is disheartening because high-quality reporting is vital to a healthy democracy. – par Nathan Bomey, USA TODAY – Tags: bots, facebook, fake news, info wars

Spotting fake news in a world with manipulated video
LOS ANGELES — An image of Parkland shooting survivor turned gun control activist Emma Gonzalez tearing up the Constitution recently went viral, even though it isn’t real. That type of deception could be harder to spot when the future of fake news is manipulated video. It starts with a selfie. – par Carter Evans – Tags: ai, deep learning, fake news, info wars, technology, trucages, video, voice

Facebook’s real fake-news problem: It’s the memes, stupid
Mark Zuckerberg just spent two days in marathon question-and-answer sessions on Capitol Hill in Washington, tackling complex topics like privacy, data protection and election security. – Tags: facebook, fake news, info wars

Facebook’s most popular Black Lives Matter page was a scam run by a white Australian, report says
On the surface, the Facebook page had all the markings of an authentic Black Lives Matter group. Its profile picture — “BLACK LIVES MATTER” in block text against a bright yellow background — echoed the style and colors of the one used on – par Amy B Wang – Tags: facebook, fake news, info wars

‘You Are the Product’: Targeted by Cambridge Analytica on Facebook
Christopher Deason stumbled upon the psychological questionnaire on June 9, 2014. He was taking a lot of online surveys back then, each one earning him a few dollars to help pay the bills. – par MATTHEW ROSENBERG, GABRIEL J.X. DANCE – Tags: cambridge analytica, info wars, privacy

The flawed ‘magic sauce’ behind Facebook’s personality profiling
What does your digital footprint say about you? Not much in my case. When the Facebook scandal broke, a colleague sent me a link to an algorithm created by Cambridge University’s Psychometrics Centre that claims to create psycho-demographic profiles from behaviour on Facebook. – Tags: cambridge analytica, facebook, fake news psychology, info wars

How the Government Could Fix Facebook
After years of allowing the world’s largest social network to police itself, Congress and federal regulators are discussing some promising reforms. Gathered in a Washington, D.C. – par JULIA ANGWIN – Tags: cambridge analytica, facebook, fake news response, info wars

Facebook: ‘Malicious actors’ used its tools to discover identities and collect data on a massive global scale
Facebook said Wednesday that “malicious actors” took advantage of search tools on its platform, making it possible for them to discover the identities and collect information on most of its 2 billion users worldwide. – par Craig Timberg, Tony Romm – Tags: cambridge analytica, facebook, info wars, privacy

Facebook reveals Russian troll content, shuts down 135 IRA accounts
Facebook is showing an unprecedented level of transparency around its latest effort to suspend Russian trolls trying to influence elections and mislead the public as it tries to regain the trust of users and the government. – par Josh Constine – Tags: facebook, info wars

How Sinclair Broadcasting puts a partisan tilt on trusted local news
The country’s largest owner of local TV stations, the Sinclair Broadcast Group, which reaches over a third of homes across the nation, wants to get even bigger by merging with the Tribune Media Company. But Sinclair is raising concerns among media watchers because of its practice of combining news – Tags: fake news, info wars, journalism

The Curious Case of David Jewberg, the Fake Senior Pentagon Russia Analyst
Summary: “Senior Pentagon Russia Analyst LTC David Jewberg” maintained a popular Facebook page and was frequently quoted in Ukrainian and Russian media as a Pentagon insider related to topics concerning Ukraine and Russia. – par Oleksiy Kuzmenko – Tags: fake news example, info wars

How Truth Lost Its Meaning In Trump’s America: VICE on HBO, Full Episode
In Trump’s America, half the population lives in a world where the “crooked media” tells “fake news” made up of “alternative facts,” while the other half fights to maintain public trust in traditional media.Much of this stems from the parallel online universe that led up to the 2016 el – Tags: alt-right, fake news, info wars

Why (almost) everything reported about the Cambridge Analytica Facebook ‘hacking’ controversy is wrong
If you follow the Guardian or the New York Times, or any major news network, you are likely to have noticed that a company called Cambridge Analytica have been in the headlines a lot. – par Chris Kavanagh – Tags: cambridge analytica, facebook, info wars

Facebook’s Election Safeguards Are Still a Work in Progress
Nearly three years after a Russian propaganda group infiltrated Facebook and other tech platforms in hopes of seeding chaos in the 2016 US election, Facebook has more fully detailed its plan to protect elections around the world. – par VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN, Peter Rubin, Miranda Katz, Issie Lapowsky, Brian Barrett, Lily Hay Newman, Andy Greenberg, Matt Gallagher – Tags: bots, cambridge analytica, fake news, fake news response, info wars

YouTube, the Great Radicalizer
At one point during the 2016 presidential election campaign, I watched a bunch of videos of Donald Trump rallies on YouTube. I was writing an article about his appeal to his voter base and wanted to confirm a few quotations. Soon I noticed something peculiar. – par Zeynep Tufekci – Tags: fake news, info wars, youtube

How Amazon Helped Cambridge Analytica Harvest Americans’ Facebook Data
Facebook has been rocked by reports of a massive data scrape carried out by Cambridge Analytica and one of its then-contractors, a Cambridge University academic named Aleksandr Kogan. – par Cale Guthrie Weissman – Tags: cambridge analytica, facebook, info wars

How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions
LONDON — As the upstart voter-profiling company Cambridge Analytica prepared to wade into the 2014 American midterm elections, it had a problem. The firm had secured a $15 million investment from Robert Mercer, the wealthy Republican donor, and wooed his political adviser, Stephen K. – par Carole Cadwalladr, NICHOLAS CONFESSORE, MATTHEW ROSENBERG – Tags: cambridge analytica, facebook, fake news psychology, info wars, politics

How ISIS and Russia Won Friends and Manufactured Crowds
Since November 2016, a national battle has raged about the role of social media in politics. People bemoaned the viciousness of trolls, the impact of incendiary fake news, the frog memes and Twitter bots and YouTube conspiracy videos. – par Renee DiResta – Tags: info wars

For Two Months, I Got My News From Print Newspapers. Here’s What I Learned.
I first got news of the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., via an alert on my watch. Even though I had turned off news notifications months ago, the biggest news still somehow finds a way to slip through. But for much of the next 24 hours after that alert, I heard almost nothing about the shooting. – par Farhad Manjoo – Tags: attention, fake news psychology, fake news response, info wars

Untrue-Tube: Monetizing Misery and Disinformation
With the dust still settling from the Parkland, Florida high school shooting massacre, the information war carries on. The initial focus involved the NRA lobby, but a large-scale disinformation campaign has successfully shifted the debate to the use of “crisis actors” for student survivors. – par Jonathan Albright – Tags: fake news, info wars, verification, youtube

Fake BBC News — Inside A 7 Year Iranian Propaganda Machine
Russians aren’t the only ones trying to become experts at fake news. Iran was one of the early adopters in the world of made-up current affairs, designed to spread disinformation discredit legitimate media. One of its main targets in recent years has been the BBC. – par Thomas Fox-Brewster – Tags: fake news, info wars

Phishing for Phools – Words That Matter – Medium
W e are all fools in one way or another. Fools for love, fools for vanity, fools for greed and arrogance, laziness and envy. In the fourth century AD, the Egyptian hermit Evagrius the Solitary classified human failings into eight major groups. – par Tim O’Reilly – Tags: attention, facebook, fake news, info wars

How the Florida school shooting conspiracies sprouted and spread
(CNN)Conspiracy theories after mass shootings follow a familiar thread and the Florida school shooting is no exception. – par Paul P. Murphy – Tags: complotisme, facebook, fake news, info wars, social media, twitter, youtube

Pro-Gun Russian Bots Flood Twitter After Parkland Shooting
Each new breaking news situation is an opportunity for trolls to grab attention, provoke emotions, and spread propaganda. The Russian government knows this. Fake-news manufacturing teenagers in Macedonia know this. Twitter bot creators know this. – par Sarah Scoles, Antonio Garcia Martinez, Brian Barrett, Lily Hay Newman, Garrett M. Graff, Erin Griffith, Louise Matsakis, Jonathon Keats – Tags: bots, info wars

The Full Text of Mueller’s Indictment of 13 Russians
On Friday, February 16, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentein announced that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, had indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities on charges that including conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud, and a – par Taylor Hosking, Priscilla Alvarez – Tags: info wars

Fake News and Bots May Be Worrisome, but Their Political Power Is Overblown
It’s very hard to change people’s minds, especially when so many are already committed partisans. How easy is it to change people’s votes in an election? – par Brendan Nyhan – Tags: bots, fake news, info wars

Fake News Is About to Get Even Scarier than You Ever Dreamed
Less than a month after Donald Trump was improbably elected the 45th president of the United States, a strange story began to make its way across social media. – par Nick Bilton – Tags: ai, bots, fake news, info wars

He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He’s Worried About An Information Apocalypse.
In mid-2016, Aviv Ovadya realized there was something fundamentally wrong with the internet — so wrong that he abandoned his work and sounded an alarm. – par Charlie Warzel – Tags: ai, bots, fake news, info wars, social media

UK to set up security unit to combat state disinformation campaigns
The UK government has announced plans to set up a dedicated national security unit to combat state-led disinformation campaigns — raising questions about how broad its ‘fake news’ bullseye will be. – par Natasha Lomas – Tags: info wars

Trust War: Dangerous Trends in Cyber Conflict
In 2007, Idaho National Laboratory conducted a test in which hypothetical hackers opened and closed a diesel generator’s circuit breakers. The video of the test shows the huge machine bucking three times and then black smoke pouring out. – par Adam Segal, Neal A. Pollard – Tags: info wars

The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked
A shadowy global operation involving big data, billionaire friends of Trump and the disparate forces of the Leave campaign influenced the result of the EU referendum. As Britain heads to the polls again, is our electoral process still fit for purpose? – par Carole Cadwalladr – Tags: cambridge analytica, info wars

Trump, Assange, Bannon, Farage… bound together in an unholy alliance
Last Wednesday, 11 months into Donald Trump’s new world order, in the first year of normalisation, a sudden unblurring of lines took place. A shift. A door of perception swung open. – par Carole Cadwalladr – Tags: cambridge analytica, info wars

Question That: RT’s Military Mission
Since September, the Kremlin has been up in arms over the United States’ decision to register Russian state broadcaster RT (formerly “Russia Today”, motto “Question more”) as a “foreign agent”. – par @DFRLab – Tags: info wars

‘Whoever controls cyberspace will control the world’: Russian hackers waging cyber war on Ukraine ‘training’ for Western targets
Ten minutes before the 2pm news broadcast on June 27, Vitaly Kovach, the editor of Ukraine’s channel 24, stood up and told his staff to immediately unplug their network cables. – par Alec Luhn – Tags: info wars

RT’s editor-in-chief on election meddling, being labeled Russian propaganda
« There’s nothing illegal that we did…nothing murky, » says Margarita Simonyan, who dismisses the U.S. intelligence report that says the Russian news network she heads meddled in the 2016 U.S. – Tags: info wars

Sleep Walking into a War
We are 10 years into a war. A war most people don’t realise is happening, and which our governments are only just beginning to see. This is the Great Cyber War. – par Tobias Stone – Tags: cambridge analytica, info wars

Sleep Walking into a War: Part 2
The Great Cyber War stumbled into Western Europe and opened its Western Front when a bit of careless politicking by David Cameron opened up a small scratch that was perfect for information warfare in the age of social media to wrench open into a gaping wound. – par Tobias Stone – Tags: cambridge analytica, info wars

Sleep Walking into a War: Part 3
It is now clear that Russia, Mercer, and others orchestrated a comprehensive campaign to undermine the democratic process in the UK and United States, and it seems implausible, given the evidence, that both Trump and Brexit were not in some way an outcome of this. – par Tobias Stone – Tags: cambridge analytica, info wars

Sleep Walking into a War: Part 4
One reason the Great Cyber War is hard to understand is that victory in the eyes of the aggressors is not some final outcome where one side wins and the other capitulates. Whereas Hitler wanted to take over the world, Putin and the billionaires just want to create and perpetuate chaos. – par Tobias Stone – Tags: cambridge analytica, info wars

How the World’s Governments are Fighting Fake News
In August, the Indonesian police paraded three hooded suspects in front of cameras, with evidence of their crimes laid out on a table in front of them marked “Hate Speech. – par Daniel Malloy – Tags: fake news, info wars

How YouTube became a breeding ground for violent, sexual and disturbing content targeted at YOUR kids
AN ANIMATED Minnie Mouse lookalike injects a knock-off Mickey Mouse character with a syringe, as a blood-curdling scream rings out. Later in the same clip, the camera zooms in on an animated mouse’s bouncing breasts as suggestive music plays. – par George Harrison – Tags: ai, info wars, youtube

?FakeTube: AI-Generated News on YouTube
One of the results of my recent post-election “news ecosystem” effort was the presence of YouTube. Beyond YouTube’s role in hosting videos through embeds on political websites, after reading a piece on A.I. – par Jonathan Albright, Learn – Tags: ai, fake news, info wars, tech, video, youtube

Voter profiling in the 2017 Kenyan election
This piece was authored by PI policy officer Frederike Kaltheuner and PI head of research and investigations Claire Lauterbach. – par Privacy International – Tags: bots, cambridge analytica, info wars

More than a Million Pro-Repeal Net Neutrality Comments were Likely Faked
NY Attorney General Schneiderman estimated that hundreds of thousands of Americans’ identities were stolen and used in spam campaigns that support repealing net neutrality. My research found at least 1.3 million fake pro-repeal comments, with suspicions about many more. – par Jeff Kao – Tags: bots, info wars

The Tech Giants’ Secret War Against Fake News Is Too Secret
Facebook, Google, and Twitter have a problem with harmful content. And the consequences of the twin online scourges of political disinformation and terrorist incitement have been on full display lately. – par Paul Barrett – Tags: fake news, info wars

Instagram, Meme Seeding, and the Truth about Facebook Manipulation, Pt. 1
The last couple of weeks have brought us the first new major revelations about the reach and scope of the IRA media influence campaign. – par Jonathan Albright – Tags: facebook, info wars, instagram

La manipulation des réseaux sociaux par les Etats s’industrialise
30 Etats, Chine en tête, ont manipulé Facebook, Google ou Twitter à des fins politiques en 2017, contre 23 l’année dernière. Au moment de leur lancement, les réseaux sociaux ont souvent été présentés comme de puissants vecteurs de la démocratisation des sociétés. – par Adrien Lelièvre – Tags: info wars

“Fake news” has become a business model, researchers argue
This week Theresa May used a speech to tell Russia: “We know what you’re doing,” at least as far as the country’s efforts to spread discord through disinformation are concerned. – par Thomas McMullan – Tags: fake news, info wars

Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal
This story was reported in partnership with The Investigative Fund and Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting. Additional reporting: Aaron Sankin, Laura Starecheski, Michael Corey, Jaime Longoria and Jasper Craven. – par Amanda Robb – Tags: fake news, info wars

How A Russian Troll Fooled America
Few Americans were more patriotic on Twitter than the user known as @TEN_GOP. – par @DFRLab – Tags: fake news, info wars, troll, twitter

De plus en plus de pays utilisent le Net pour manipuler l’opinion
Les techniques utilisées pour la propagande d’État en ligne se diversifient. Une pratique de plus en plus courante qui ne concerne pas les seuls régimes autoritaires, selon un rapport de l’ONG américaine Freedom House rendu public mercredi. – Tags: info wars

Russia’s Favored Outlet Is an Online News Giant. YouTube Helped.
SAN FRANCISCO — When the state-backed Russian news channel RT became the first news organization to surpass one billion views on YouTube in 2013, it marked the achievement with a retrospective of its most popular videos and a special guest — one of the Google-owned site’s senior executives. – par Daisuke Wakabayashi, NICHOLAS CONFESSORE – Tags: désinformation, info wars, youtube

Alphabet’s Eric Schmidt On Fake News, Russia, And “Information Warfare”
Ever since the 2016 presidential election, Alphabet, the tech giant that owns Google, has been under intense scrutiny to acknowledge its role in trafficking the Russia-backed disinformation campaign that potentially helped shape the outcome. – par Fast Company – Tags: info wars

Information Disorder: An interdisciplinary framework
Our new report for the Council of Europe aims to bring structure to conversations about misleading and malicious information. – Tags: info wars

One year on, we’re still not recognizing the complexity of information disorder online
After months of reporting on the impact of misleading, manipulated and fabricated content spread among peers on technology platforms, we’re beginning to see governments and regulators grapple with these issues. – par First Draft – Tags: désinformation, info wars

Anatomy of a Russian Facebook ad
On Wednesday, lawmakers released some of the 3,000 ads that Russian operatives bought during the 2016 presidential campaign and its aftermath. Facebook has said these ads were created by the Internet Research Agency, a troll farm in St. Petersburg, with the goal of influencing U.S. – par Leslie Shapiro – Tags: facebook, fake news, info wars

HPSCI Minority Exhibit A
Ad 1 Ad 1_metadata Ad 2 Ad 2_metadata Ad 3 Ad 3_metadata Ad 4 Ad 4_metadata Ad 5 Ad 5_metadata Ad 6 Ad 6_metadata Ad 7 Ad 7_metadata Ad 8 Ad 8_metadata Ad 9 Ad 9_metadata Ad 10 Ad 10_metadata Ad 11 Ad 11_metadata Ad 12 Ad 12_metadata Ad 13 Ad 13_metadata Ad 14 Ad 14_metadata – Tags: info wars

The social media ads Russia wanted Americans to see
Russian accounts bought thousands of social media ads on hot-button U.S. issues ranging from Black Lives Matter to illegal immigration, according to a batch of the ads released Wednesday by members of the House intelligence panel. – Tags: facebook, fake news, info wars, instagram

The Disinformation Playbook
– Tags: info wars

The C.I.A.’s Fake News Campaign
Russia’s crafty campaign to hack the 2016 election may seem unprecedented, but in a way it’s not. Sure, secret agents and front groups have hacked email systems, dumped documents on WikiLeaks, paid an army of internet trolls and spent thousands buying political ads on social media. – par KENNETH OSGOOD – Tags: fake news, info wars

Comments | The C.I.A.’s Fake News Campaign –
– Tags: fake news, info wars

Trolls, Bots and Fake News: The Mysterious World of Social Media Manipulation
If it was once common to hear mass anti-government movements in the Middle East described as “Twitter uprisings” and “Facebook revolutions,” today these social media platforms are more likely to be linked to their potential for manipulating public opinions and influencing elections, includ – par Samuel Earle – Tags: cambridge analytica, fake news, info wars

Russian Information Warfare: An Advancing Front of Disinformation and Propaganda
Event Europe More on This Issue Europe – Tags: info wars, propagande

Russia’s “Weaponization” of Information
My name is Helle Dale. I am Senior Fellow for Public Diplomacy in the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation. – par Helle Dale – Tags: info wars

Spies, Hollywood And Neocons Team Up To Create New War Propaganda Firm
So begins a video released today by The Committee to Investigate Russia, an organization founded by When Harry Met Sally director Rob Reiner and neoconservative senior editor of The Atlantic David Frum. – par Caitlin Johnstone – Tags: info wars

Russian Interference in 2016 US Election, Bots, & Misinformation
Earlier this summer we outlined some of our work to combat bots and networks of manipulation on Twitter. Since then, we have received a number of questions about how malicious bots and misinformation networks on Twitter may have been used in the context of the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections. – par Twitter PublicPolicy – Tags: bots, info wars, twitter–Election-Bots-and-Misinformation.html

Russian Trolls Didn’t Just Flood Facebook with Fake News—They Faked the Accounts of Real Organizations
The problem is bigger than just ads. As Facebook is turning over information on Russian-bought ads to Congress, it’s becoming clear that the disinformation campaign was much more sophisticated than just spreading fake stories about the Clintons killing an FBI agent. – par Luke Darby – Tags: facebook, fake news, info wars

Comment Telegram est devenu le réseau préféré des djihadistes
Dès la promulgation du Califat, en juin 2014, les vidéos « hollywoodiennes », les photos, les messages écrits et radio, tous plus violents les uns que les autres pullulent sur le Web. Facebook et Twitter deviennent les terrains de jeu favoris de Daech et de ses partisans. – par Victor Garcia – Tags: info wars, propagande, sécurité

The ISIS Twitter census: Defining and describing the population of ISIS supporters on Twitter
Although much ink has been spilled on ISIS’s activity on Twitter, very basic questions about the group’s social media strategy remain unanswered. In a new analysis paper, J.M. Berger and Jonathon Morgan answer fundamental questions about how many Twitter users support ISIS, who and where they are, and how they participate in its highly organized online activities. – Tags: bots, info wars, propagande, twitter

How the Hashtag Is Changing Warfare
On the eve of last year’s U.S. presidential election, two computational social scientists from the University of Southern California published an alarming study that went largely unnoticed in the flood of election news. – Tags: bots, fake news, info wars, twitter

The Agency
Around 8:30 a.m. on Sept. 11 last year, Duval Arthur, director of the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness for St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, got a call from a resident who had just received a disturbing text message. – par Adrian Chen – Tags: fake news, info wars, social media

Fake news story prompts Pakistan to issue nuclear warning to Israel
Defence minister reminds Israel on Twitter that ‘Pakistan is a nuclear state too’ after fake story says Israel had threatened to destroy Pakistan A fake news story has touched off a Twitter confrontation between nuclear powers Pakistan and Israel, the latest disturbing incident of fab – par Emma Graham-Harrison – Tags: fake news, info wars

This election had about 400,000 Twitter bots
Nearly 20 percent of Twitter’s election-related tweets were from bot accounts.Learn more about this story at more videos like this at www.newsy.comFollow Newsy on Facebook: Newsy on Twitter: – Tags: bots, info wars, twitter

The Gulf crisis: Fake news shines spotlight on psychological warfare
By James M. Dorsey – Tags: bots, désinformation, fake news, info wars, propagande, social media

Spreading fake news becomes standard practice for governments across the world
Campaigns to manipulate public opinion through false or misleading social media postings have become standard political practice across much of the world, with information ministries, specialized military units and political operatives shaping the flow of information in dozens of countries, a Briti – par Craig Timberg – Tags: bots, info wars, propagande, social media

We are not done with state-sponsored hacking. Far from it.
Last Friday, a few hours before the end of the French presidential campaign, and right at the start of the mandatory “quiet period” before the vote, Twitter erupted: A big dump of documents had just been released. – par Learn, Frederic Filloux – Tags: bots, cambridge analytica, désinformation, fake news, info wars, propagande, security

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